Nate Dickson Thinks...

Small Thoughts for a Quiet World.

I've been deeply busy with my day job lately, which is a good thing! I've been promoted!

But it means that I have almost no time to write creatively or freely. I'm spending all my time writing procedures and policies and helping others work more effectively. Again, it's a good thing, but a new thing.

So I'm going to content myself with writing smaller creative things, like, well, this.


I've been playing around with a great little tool called Shamat for a little bit now. It's wonderfully simple.


The second thing you notice, when you walk out of the Manila airport into the rain-slick night, is that you apparently don't need to breathe any more.

You grew up in the high mountain deserts of Idaho, and now that you're here, a full mile closer to the ocean, the air is thick and so oxygenated that you seem to be absorbing oxygen through your skin. One breath every five minutes seems to fit the bill. In three years you will return to the high mountain deserts where you were born and wonder how anyone can breathe when there is clearly no air up there.


My main computer decided that it had had enough the other day. I don't know what pushed it over the edge, but it could have been any number of things. It's been a developer machine for four years now, and I'm more exploratory than usual. I try to keep my systems lean and mean, but cruft gathers over time and systems get tired.


In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. – General Dwight D. Eisenhower

As part of my day job I'm a big part of our team's planning process. And a common complaint I hear is along the lines of “we made all these plans and suddenly they're all gone! Why even bother?”


My wife and I have grown Vinca for as long as I can remember. I always love when they come up in the early spring, I love the promise of great things to come.

Also I’ve been playing with image tools to make it easier to turn stupidly huge camera images into useful web images,and do some watermarking as well. I may or may not keep up with the watermark. We’ll see.

Also also I decided to try out the “Classic” editor, with the drag-and-drop photo upload. It’s a lot easier than the mutli-step upload to and then link to a blog article, but the trade-off of not being able to write in pure markdown might not be worth it. Still, nice to see the toolset grow and evolve.

Thoughts? Tell me about them!
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I know I'm not alone in this but I have a secret, people. I get distracted. Fairly easily, honestly.

A recent distraction event was kinda funny, so I wrote it all down, and figured, hey, let's walk through it.

It all started when I had an idea. I didn't have anything major going on at the moment, so I sat and thought about the idea for a while. It seemed good, so I decided to capture it in Obsidian so that I would work on it and mull it over more.


A while ago I wrote my list of 12 Rules for Living.

Recently I realized that I have another set relating to digital life. The rules of interaction online are changing all the time, so I thought I'd add this as well. These are things that have worked for me over the years, and more or less how I live right now.


If you've ever lived in a desert this is familiar to you. It's been cold all night. But the sun is just coming up and while it's still chilly the hot part of the day is coming fast. The birds aren't fooled; it's not winter, it's just morning. They are singing as they have always done.


Listening to Plexamp this morning, as per usual. On random, which is slightly less common, but I just want to discover a few gems from my library. Surprise me, Plex.

It just brought up one of my favorite little board game soundtrack songs: Twist Your Mind.


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