Still Alive

I’m in my final semester of my masters degree program. When these classes are over I’m done with school, this time probably for good. For the past two years I have put everything other than school on hold. So I have shoved my writing into corners. Okay, I did NaNoWriMo both years, because I need to keep some sense of who I am.

But mostly my writing has been gathering dust on some hard drives. That’s not the interesting part.

The interesting part is that some characters in my books have refused to go into corners. So, Angel Liz, Cylee, And Wane Early mostly. Angel Liz you can read about on Monday Stories, the other two are from a series of books I’ve been working on… whooosh, for almost a decade now. Somehow these three characters have been sitting in the back of my mind, gathering my experiences into themselves, doing a little here and there to remind me they exist even though, in a strictly technical sense, they don’t. I keep having ideas for Liz’s central conflicts. I keep seeing things the way Wayne would see them, inspecting the world the way he would. Cylee is always trying to break free, get out, find meaning somewhere else… okay, yes, I do know how insane this sounds, thank you so much. Anyway. I‘m excited to get back to actually writing in just a few more weeks.

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